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Imambari of Haji Muhammad Mohsin
Bakchar, jessore
From Jessore city you can go to Manihar by easybike or rickshaw and from Manihar you can go to Imambari of Bakchar Haji Muhammad Mohsin by easybike or rickshaw.





Mohsin was born to a respected Muslim rich family in Hooghly, West Bengal, India's educated social worker Haji Mohammad Mohsin, in 1732, and he passed away on 18 November 1812. His father's name was Haji Faizullah and mother's name was Joynab Khanam. It was Zainab Khanam's second marriage.Her first husband was the owner of Aga Motahar's huge wealth, after which her only daughter Mannujan Khanam Mannujan and Mohsin got the knowledge of the Qur'an, Hadith in family. Mohsin then went to Murshidabad for higher education. In the end Mohsin's father died when he grew up to care for his noble Mannujan. When Mannujan married in 1767, Mohsin went out to travel to different countries. He traveled to various Asian countries like Iran, Iraq and Turkey. He traveled to many holy cities, including Mecca, Medina, Karbala, and Kufas. After performing Hajrat, he got acquainted with Haji Mohammad Mohsin. At the end of Raman Haji Mohsin returned home. Mannujan is already a widow.Mohsin then lived with the noble sister Mannujan and looked after his Nawab State. Note that Haji Mohammad Mohsin's mother, Zainab Khanam's first husband, Aga Motahar, left huge wealthy and immovable property in Hughli, Jessore, Murshidabad and Nadia. In 1803, honest sister Monnujan passed away. Then the ever-indifferent Mohsin became more animosity in the family religion. During this time, he spent some time donating money. His deceased noble sister Mannujan's great estate gave a will for service to the people. Many donors donate money to many families. Imambara, Mohsin College is formed in its financial support. There are still Mohsin funds in Hughli. From there, students get help.Haji Muhammad Mohsin is known as the man of a giant of Bengal. He has done many things for the welfare of the people. There are many schools in the name of Mohsin. Haji Mohsin College of Khulna and Dhaka University also have hostels in the name of Haji Muhammad Mohasin.

How to go:

From Jessore city to Izmir or Riksha, Monihar from Monihar and Monihar to Eijibek or Riksa to go to Bakarchar Haji Mohammad Mohsin Imambari.